Future Dance Events



October 12th

In October our dance will be on the 12th. Our Free lesson is hustle and will be taught by Karen Thomas. This dance will also be our Halloween masquerade dance so costumes are optional.

November 9th

Our November dance will be on the 9th and Adam Mehring of Smooth Sailing Ballroom will be teaching Bachata.

December 14th

Our December dance will be a dance/board meeting and carry in Christmas dinner. Please plan to bring in food to share, USA Dance will be supplying the meat, plates, cups, and silverware. The meal will begin at 6:00 PM followed by a quick board meeting to which all are welcome. The open board meeting is to assist USA Dance members understand what your board is attempting to do to advance ballroom dancing in the valley and to ask for any feedback from the membership as to what they would like to see in the future and suggestions that the board could work on. If you have any suggestions or complaints please bring them along and offer them to the board. There will be no dance lesson due to the carry in meal and board meeting. Dancing will begin at 8:00 PM.

January 11th

The January dance will be held on January 11th and the dance lesson will be Salsa taught by our board president Adriel.

February 8th

The February dance held on February 8th will be our Winter Ball. The theme will be Dancing at a French Chateau and will be held at the BRIX & COLUMNS winery 1501 Dave Berry Rd, McGaheysville. This dance will be sponsored by Valley Honda 296 Lee Jackson Hwy, Staunton and is sure to be a romantic festival. There will be dancing showcases, great music, food and available beverages. More information will be posted as the date comes closer.